
25. VaAchaltem Achol 5738 (this is a Hemshech to Layehudim [Purim])

VaAchaltem Achol 5738 PDF

VaAchaltem Achol 5738, Class One.
This Ma’amar is a Hemshech to Layehudim of Purim.
This class is on the last part of the Ma’amar that deals with Purim.
Purim is very special now but will be (even more) special even after Moshiach comes, because it is from the highest and reaches the lowest.
First the Megilla: on the one hand there isn’t a single mention of Hashem’s name, on the other hand it is higher than any level of revealed G-dly light.
This is true of Purim as a whole, on the one hand it is higher than reason עד דלא ידע on the other hand it comes into Galus itself.
This is true of the two extremes about the name אחשוירוש which means אחרית וראשית שלו that are brought into time.
This is true also of (the two extremes regarding) הלכות תושבע”פ אינן בטלים לעולם on the hand “cold dry” Halachos, on the other hand it actually changes the physical because its source is from Ratzon.
But Liasid, Purim will be much higher; what is now אמונה will be then ידיעה and there will be a much higher אמונה (MiMalei Sovev and higher than Sovev).
This is initiated by the work we do now especially in the times of Galus!!

VaAchaltem Achol 5738, Class One.

VaAchaltem Achol 5738, Class Two.
VaAchaltem Achol ןהללתם ארת שם הוי’ אלוקיכם אשר עשה עמכם להפליא
This class is on the beginning of the Ma’amar: ואכלת אכול what has already been eaten and fully digested and transformed (=the birur is altogether complete,) will be eaten again and elevated again on a much higher level.
The Rebbe explains that the higher level is altogether above the lower level “להפליא”
It is the difference between חיצונית עתיק and פנימית עתיק.

VaAchaltem Achol 5738, Class Two.

VaAchaltem Achol 5738, Class Three.
This idea (of ואכלתם אכול after Moshiach begins now; in the Midrash) זה קרבן אהרון- how אהרון (the Mivarer) is himself the Korban.
For anyone to be מברר another, they must be perfectly מבורר themselves already. This is the level of אהרון הכהן and he in his perfection elevates all our קרבנות; yet he also is a Korban זה קרבן!!!
This is happening even now, and it sets up its occurrence לעתיד לבוא but at the same time, now is only the “Taste”; the “real thing” will be then.
In Galus any Jew can do any Korban even the idea of זה קרבן אהרון.

VaAchaltem Achol 5738, Class Three.

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