Ki Yishalcha 5738(Class One) This first class (on this most complex of Ma’amarim) is the heart (center or Biur) of the Ma’amar as a whole. [Chapters 4-7]. The three levels of עדות חוקים משפטים are explored here. In Pshat the oreder should be משפטים חוקים עדות But here the Possuk orders them differently: עדות חוקים משפטים and the question is why. The Rebbe explains by connecting the three to three levels of divine revalation: 1) סובב כל עלמין- connected to logic- משפטים and 2) סובב כל עללמין -the negation of logic (which has an indirect association with logic) חוקים and 3) עצמות אין סוף -that is o far from any association with logic (that any attempt to do so is laughable) עדות. He helps explain this by discussing the upside and downside of (חוקים’s association with the ides of) חקיקה. Carved is 1) changed 2) something is missing. The same is true with חוקים but not with עדות as they represent HIM unchanged or adapted at all. What the three are in Avoda. All Mitzvos are first and foremost עדות and secondarily (for the sake of גילוי) משפטים and חוקים. This then explains the order in the Possuk עדות first and חוקים ומשפטים second and third.
Ki Yishalcha 5738(Class One)
Ki Yishalcha 5738(Class Two) Three different questions and three different answers 1) How action can bring down and reveal essence? 2) How action can cause the hiddeness to shine 3) Since every second we start over how am ever out of Mitzrayim this moment? The answer: עבדים היינו