27. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Seven.
Posted: December 24, 2023
27. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Seven. Perek 7, Class 02. Answer to the questions about Chanuka continued. The ‘Chama’ (sun) sets and allows for it’s correction. Discussion: the sin has three names that are (in my opinion) three levels: 1) שמש this refers to the sun which is a Mashal for Godliness, כי שמש ומגן הוי’ אלוקים 2) חמה this refers to the sun (on a spiritual level still, but) where Klipa can have a hold, which is why this is often lined to Avoda Zara (משתחוים לגלג חמה), it is the ‘orbit’ metaphysical body of the sun as a separate (individual) entity (not part of the unity of the cosmos, where it is called שמש). 3) חרס the physical body of the sun with it’s physical limitations and definition. The Ma’amar here speaks to the setting חמה (not שמש) meaning where Klipa has a hold on the physical universe.
27. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Seven.