28. בחדש השלישי ה’תשל”ט This is the second מאמר in a המשך about מתן תורה
Posted: June 28, 2019
בחדש השלישי ה’תשל”ט The day Yidden arrived at Har Sinai two events occurred: 1) ויחן שם ישראל… כאיש אחד בלב אחד Yidden achieved a unity based on a deep ביטול which allowed for מתן תורה to happen 2) ביום הזה there was a revelation of הזה which also (helped) allow מתן תורה to take place. The עשרת הדברות were simple ideas because its primary point is its spirit: the meeting (and giving) of G-d and (to) man. The point ultimately is bringing Hashem down בתחתונים. This required the אנכי Hashem giving Himself. After arriving at Har Sinai they were finally ready to ‘truly’ leave Refidim, where their hands were weakened to Divrei Torah.