כי כאשר השמים החדשים ה’תשמ”ב 1) פתיחת הצינור Opening new gates requires special strength. The Light originally was in the מקום החלל so that when we reveal it the פתיחת הצינור was already made by the Creator. 2) השמים כסאי והארץ הדום רגלי is the same idea. The higher worlds set up and make it possible to reveal Godliness down here. 3) But what happens when Moshiach comes is really new, it is not just bringing back what was and what was taken away. 4) Moreover what we do in the times of Galus that is referred to as זרעכם ושמכם will be elevated to a state of newness that is above a relationship with what we did that it too will be altogether new.