
Titzave 28:39 – The Ksones Tashbetz

28-39. The Ksones Tashbetz.
The decorative shirt worn by all Kohanim.
I’m including my notes and a copy of the כלי יקר and the ספר הליקוטים.
1) The layers of clothing as defined by a girdle (Gartel); ordinary Kohanim had one and the Kohein Gadol had two.
2) Usually clothing cover but sometimes they present and reveal (as in this case).
3) The meaning of Tashbetz is demarked and defined, this “controls” and brings what could be an infinite light that could end up in Klipa from going where it shouldn’t (like משובצים in the חשן ואפוד).
4) The Even Ezra and RaMbaN argue about the need for Tashbetz. The E Ezra says that only the Kohain Gadol’s Ksones needs Tashbetz: the aforementioned control and focus.
5) Kli Yakar: atones for murder; the shirt is metaphor for the body that is a shirt for the soul. It explains the בד and שש (linen) connected to Kayin, the first murderer. The idea of good בד and bad בד.
6) The Sefer Halikutim: Mitzvos, needed in Gan Eden; the idea of a garment of light (and more).

28-39. The Ksones Tashbetz.

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