28. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Eight.
Posted: June 9, 2023
28. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Eight. Perek 3, Class 10; (Avoda of Moshe’s Bris- Teshuva Part 2). Discussion, the world was created by Hashem through a process. This involves יש מאין which means in part that God creates the world in a theoretical sense and then actualizes it. This source of the world is the ‘Ayin’ which is the source of all the ‘Yesh’. This ‘Ayin’ is to us infinite and to God it is infinitesimal. If man reaches his full potential he actualizes his entire ‘Ayin’ in his life anf being. Teshuva means exceeding even that!
28. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Eight.