
28. Shir HaMa’alos Huinei Ma Tov UMa Nuim… 5722 (Muga)

This Ma’amar is Muga. The Biur in this Ma’amar discusses the three juxtapositions of 1) Bracha and Tefilla, 2) Torah and Tefilla, 3) Torah of RaShBI and Tefilla. In this third level, all separations are broken and this Torah reaches the Ein Sof, creates Keilim and is an assured effect. The Ma’amar itself juxtaposed the Zohar that explains ‘Sheves achim gam yachad’ on the relationship between Hashem and Yidden and the Frierdike Rebbe’s interpretation that it is about the connection between one Jew and another. It explains that on the highest level the connection between the Jew and Hashem allows for the deepest connection between one Jew and another. Another Version (The Yeshiva. Net) (5776/ 2016)


Class One. This Ma’amar was said in conjunction with the Thirtieth anniversary of the Tnuim (engagement) of the Previous Rebbe’s youngest daughter הרבנית הצדקנית שיינדל הי”ד עם ב”ג הרה”ח וכו’ ר’ מנחם מענדל הכהן הארינשטיין הי”ד. We spent some time discussing her. This class brought out the חידוש of the Ma’amar about engagement leading up to marriage as it is in the words: 1) שבת אחים and 2) גם יחד.

Class One

Class Two. This class discusses the power of the Torah of the RaShbI that made it equal and far superior to other’s Tefilla. Several levels are discussed here.

Class Two

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