
28. Vinacha 5736, Acharon Shel Pesach (Third of a Hemshech)

28. Vinacha 5736, Acharon Shel Pesach (Third of a Hemshech)
This Ma’amar addresses the issue of the ‘leap’ (מדלג על ההרים מקפץ על הגבעות) discussed in thge previous two (pre-Pesach) Ma’amarim (on the Possuk (קול דודי הנה זה בא מדלג… ומקפץ) as it relates to Moshiach’s coming. But here, when He leaps when Moshoach comes, we cannot say (as we did by Yetzias Mitzrayim) that the leap is due to our lack of deservedness and desperation for our survival.
So, the Rebbe explains that the leap when Moshiach comes is connected to the fact that at the end of Galus the Avodah is A. feet, Netzach and Hod (‘outside the body’) and B. Mesiras Nefesh.
The Rebbe explains each of these two Avodos in detail, and explains that in the lowest (נה”י) there is the highest (עתיקא קדישא).
He connects them to the Possuk וגם נצח ישראל לא ישקר ולא ינחם כי לא אדם הוא להנחם that the level of נה”י has the advantage of being above ‘Adam’ and above any concept of change.
In doing so the Rebbe explains the deserved (rather than undeserved) leap associated with Moshiach which we EARN through the Avodah in the last generations of the Galus.
Accordingly, he also explains, (in the beginning and the end of this Ma’amar) ונחה עליו רוח הוי’ה that is said about Moshiach, that in numerous sources it is indicated that each Jew will be on these levels. The Rebbe explains that this is so due to the aforementioned Avodah n the last generations of Galus.

28. Vinacha 5736, Acharon Shel Pesach (Third of a Hemshech)

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