
29 צאינה וראינה ה’תשל”ט This is the third מאמר in a המשך about מתן תורה

צאינה וראינה ה’תשל”ט Class One: This first class in this Ma’amar deals with the easier parts of the Ma’amar that follow the two that came before it. The idea of ואני המתחיל the Power that comes from Him, Himself to affect ביטול in Yidden and bring together “high” and “low”. What is unique about this particular Shavuos Ma’amar is the argument that (in contrast to so many other Ma’amarim) the Ma’amar argues that both the אירוסין (betrothal) and the נישואין (actual marriage) took place at הר סיני (rather than the typical idea that the latter happened in the Beis HaMikdash or it won’t happen until Moshiach comes).

Class Two: A discussion on the highest levels of כתר revealed on Shavuos (and Yom Kippur). There are two levels of כתר. The lower is above but relates to the worlds, while the higher has no relationship with world at all. This higher level is for all intents and purposes, the idea of עצמות ומהות being brought into the essence of השתלשלות. This higher level is (also) revealed on Shavuos to affect the bringing together opposites that happened on that occasion.

Class One
Class Two

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