Im Bichokosai Tailaichu 5737 Bichukosia means learning Torah on the level of Chakika (engraved), the learner and the learning are ONE. RaShI says it means to TOIL in Torah, which the Rebbe interprets to mean to bring the Chakika down to this (the lowest) world. ViEs Mitzvosai Tishmeru means learning Torah on the level of Halacha’n and the fear on making a mistake makes it very deep, like Chakika (Yechida). Va’asisem Osum means doing Mitzvos All this results in physical reward, because just as there is Chakika in Torah and the Neshama (Yechida), there is also Chakika of Kudsha Brich Hu’ and Chakika above is His will vis-à-vis the world (which is His will for Dira BiTachtonim). But only Gashmiyus reward is mentioned, because Ruchniyus is only Giluyim and Gashmiyus is Atmus. The need to mention rain (ונתתי גשמיכם בעתם) is about 7x 7x 7- 343 אור שבעת הימים which is the source of the Bracha. Violech Eschem Komimiyus.