Kimei Tzaischa… Arenu Nuflaos 5738, Class One. The Ma’amar is built around two definitions of אראנו נפלאות First Deffinition (Tzemach Tzedek) נפלאות- miracles concealed in nature; אראנו- are revealed. Second Definition (Mitteler Rebbe) נפלאות- the supernatural that dazzles and overwhelms and therefore isn’t understood or sustained with us is אראנו- revealed, where טבע holds למעלה מהטבע because when Moshiach comes העלם will be בגלוי. This is linked to two definitions of אראנו (A. reveal B. internalize) and two definitions of נפלאות (Hidden and Overwhelming).
Kimei Tzaischa… Arenu Nuflaos 5738, Class One.
Kimei Tzaischa… Arenu Nuflaos 5738, Class Two. (Last class expliaed two words: אראנו נפלאות; now we must explain) 1) the entire Possuk כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים אראנו נפלאות that from the day we left Mitzrayim until Moshiach is one elongated exodus. 2) The Mishna that says that even after Moshiach comes we will mention יציאת מצרים. Nature will not hide, and nature will hold the supernatural. The supernatural will be revealed in nature; and the בירור הניצוצות in nature make the גילוי לעתיד so. Two concepts: פתיחת הצינור and נתינת כח the first happens once, the second happens continuously. This explains the Possuk and the Mishna.