
29. Ksones Bad Kodesh 5736.

29. Ksones Bad Kodesh 5736.
This unique Ma’amar explains the four guarments the Kohain Gadol wore on Yom Kippur in holy of holies.
There are two ideas here:
A. how each is distinct, and is connected to another level and protects and heals and corrects on another level.
מצנפת in the meeting between Ein Sof (Kesser) and Atzilus that it be healthy.
אבנט in the meeting between the mind and the heart (מוחין ומדות) that it get across the divide and that there be no separations.
כתנת on the level of the Middos (i.e. Atzilus) itself, that it not go to Klipa (mystical ‘murder’).
מכנסים on the level where Atzilus meets the lower worlds, that it be protected even there, and correct even what is there.
B. What they all have in common (we learn this from the repetition of the word בד (linen) four times) which is Emuna.
He then explains that in Emuna itself it is different in the fiour kinds f people that mirror these four garments, but here it is backwards: the lowest people have the BEST EMUNA.

29. Ksones Bad Kodesh 5736.

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