03. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Three.
Posted: December 16, 2021
3. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Three. We read an English translation of each of the next four Ikarim and compared and contrasted them to the language of the אני מאמין and יגדל there are quite a few discrepancies. Ikar Six: Prophecy is real: man can raise himself to the extent that he earned (and deserves) a conscious intimate connection to Hashem. Ikar Seven: Moshe is the greatest a Prophet could (possibly) be; and he is “the Father of all the Prophets” [this means he gives them credibility כמבואר בהלכות יסודי התורה שאמונתינו בנבואה אינו מפני האות והמופת אלא מפני שאנו עדות לנבואת משה שעינינו ראו ולא זר וכו]. Ikar Eight: The Torah WE HAVE is the one Hashem gave there are no mistakes and it cannot be changed at all. Ikar Nine: The Torah is forever and there will never be a new one: the one we have He will never replace or modify.
13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020) Class Three.