30. BiSha’a Shehikdimu Yisroel… (Mi Gila LiBanai Raz Zeh) 5735
Posted: May 22, 2023
30. BiSha’a Shehikdimu Yisroel… (Mi Gila LiBanai Raz Zeh) 5735. This Ma’amar speaks of נעשה ונשמע; it explains that for Torah to be given, Yidden needed to first exclaim נעשה ונשמע; It further explains however, that in order to say נעשה ונשמע they needed to discover ‘the secret’ [of נעשה ונשמע or the secret that would lead them to it]. This secret is the secret of the Yechida, which means that the real source of Jewishness is from the Neshama. The question מי גילה לבני רז זה is actually more of a statement (a rhetoric) rather than a question.