30a. UviRashei Chadshaichem 5736 (fourth part of a Hemshech), Class One.
Posted: May 8, 2022
30a. UviRashei Chadshaichem 5736 (fourth part of a Hemshech), Class One. This class introduces the Ma’amar. It has two parts, a basic part that explains that ובראשי חדשיכם includes two Avodos, Iskafia and Ishapacha. Later (next class IYH) he adds the question of מדלג ומקפץ that Pesach is inspired for the top and on that level everything is heightened to the level of תשובה and מסירת נפש. Initially he explains that each Rosh Chodesh has these two ideas, later he changes that and explains that Iskafia is Nissan and Pesach (the Yidden ran from their foes, meaning from themselves) and Ishapcha is Iyar, Sefiras HaOmer, that we work on correcting our Middos. He then explains that this is Nissan and Iyar from the Bottom up. or the level of Tzadik. He also explains how this connects to the Possuk in the Rebbe’s ne Kapital (75) אמרתי להוללים אל תהולו ולרשעים אל תרימו קרן אל תרימו למרום קרנכם that these (two) are (also) Iskafia and Ishapcha (as opposed to the later Possuk וכל קרני רשעים אגדע תרוממנה קרנות צדיק).
30a. UviRashei Chadshaichem 5736 (fourth part of a Hemshech), Class One.