Class One. This Ma’amar is being taught in two shiurim. The first shiur deals with the Biur of the Ma’amar that discusses the idea of Koach Ein Sof being present (only) in Neshamos Yisroel in this world davka, and not in Malachim (or anything else) because only in Neshamos is there the joining together of opposites which requires an infinite koach. There is a lengthy discussion on Mal’cuhim and thier relationship to matter in the Universe. In the next class we’ll BLND discuss the Ma’amar itself and deal with the Possuk “Tziena UrEna”.
ClassTwo. This shiur explores the Possuk: Tze’ena- when one goes out of himself, UrEna- he sees Godlinss, BaMelech Shlomo- the level of Godliness called peace, that is added to (an even higher peace) by Imo (also neshamos Yisroel as they are on the level of) Mother adding peace to peace (which we explained based on the Ma’amar ViAtta Titzave), and all this happens B’yom Chasunaso, through our bittul in saying Naase ViNishma.