032 Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – (יום טוב של ראש השנה) 5666 (In Depth Version) – Class 32
Posted: June 1, 2023
32. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Thirty Two. Page 7. אין כח חסר פועל למעלה class 1. The first of the two reasons cited above (בגין דישתמודעון בי’ה) cannot be the (ultimate) purpose of the creation for another reason also; this second argument is cited by the AriZaL himself (!!!); due to the idea of אין כח חסר פועל למעלה this means ‘On High’ anything that exists potentially (בכח- a tool that is distinct within the source) cannot be unactualized, because if there were Koach without Poel that would be a חסרון (lack) in Him (in this case Godliness) which is impossible.
32. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana Samech Vov; Third Round, Class Thirty Two.