
32b. Usfartem 5736 (Fifth Part of a Hemshech) Class Two.

32b. Usfartem 5736 (Fifth Part of a Hemshech) Class Two.
This (second) class on this Ma’amar encompasses the majority of the body of the Ma’amar.
The basic issue is that Pesach and Shavuos are considered Ratzoi Vashov, and the Rebbe wonders why we need to have Sefiras HaOmer between them.
The answer will be that the Ratzoi of Pesach happens only in the Nefesh HaElokis (the Nefesh HaBahamis simply ‘runs away’- כי ברח העם) and there cannot be a real Shov (bringing Godliness into the world in a way that it has permanence) unless the Nefesh HaBahamis is also prepared to receive it. This is accomplished by Sefiras HaOmer (which was called in the Ma’amar Uvrashei Chodshaichem Ishapcha) which is mevarer the Nefesh HaBahamis also.
He explains that Mattan Torah, when Hashem appears in the world fully is the Shov because His appearing stays that way התיישבות.
The Rebbe explains that Yetzias Motzrayim is in Davening.
He further explains that this is why the Davening has three types of Inyonim and Pesukim and Bakashos (requests), that expresses itself through three different types of Hisbonenus (contemplations) 1) one which is Avrohom-like, Ahava to Hashem, 2) one which is Yitzchok-like, Yirah of Hashem, 3) and one which is Yaakov-like, that when we cannot inspire ourselves we awaken Divine compassion (רחמים).
[In this class we will skip the pages that review the Rebbe MaharaSh’s Ma’amar Mi Chamocha and do that separately (in the fourth class on this Ma’amar, IYH].

32b. Usfartem 5736 (Fifth Part of a Hemshech) Class Two.

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