
33. Viatta Yigdal Na 5735

33. Viatta Yigdal Na 5735
This Ma’amar explores (basically) every single word in this Possuk.
The gist of the Possuk is Moshe Davening for Yidden after their rebellion due to the spies. In his prayer to God Moshe asks for the יגדל נא כח אדנ”י the greatening of the Divine name Adna”i, which perplexes the Rebbe as this name is associated with Divine concealment (and proximity to the world אין מלך בלא עם).
The Rebbe explains it by enlightening the Avoda parallel of Adna”i: ‘Kabbalas Ol’ (accepting the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven) which can be done with sacrifice and a feeling of being coerced (which is a bad idea) that can end with people abandoning the mandate.
The Meraglim (spies) did exactly that; they abandoned the necessary ‘Kabbalas Ol’ that it would have taken for them to follow the Divine command precisely.
Inj their failure down here they adversely affected the Divine name Adna”i on high. And this is what Moshe is speaking to that needs correction.
The Ma’amar explains the Possuk in order): ועתה and now that אדנ”י has been compromised, it has become necessary יגדל נא כח אדנ”י to remedy and heal אדנ”י by drawing strength from אדנ”י’s source כח אדנ”י, which in turn needs strengthening itself in order to strengthen אדנ”י.
He explains this based on the common sense principle tat says that to bring something lower one has to dig much deeper and higher, so כח אדנ”י needs strengthen to affect אדנ”י itself.
He connects this to עד שלא נבה”ע הי’ הוא ושמו בלבד that שמו is כח אדנ”י and it strengthened from הוא which is higher than שמו which in turn allows כח אדנ”י to repair אדנ”י.

33. Viatta Yigdal Na 5735

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