
35. Vayedaber Hashem 5738 (a Shavuos Ma’amar)

Vayedaber Hashem 5738 (a Shavuos Ma’amar) Class One.
This is the second part of the Hemshech.
In this Ma’amar the idea of לאמור is continued from the precious Ma’amar, but a different idea is introduced: that it is critical to speak Torah with one’s mouth, because it brings from the highest high to the lowest low.
אנכי is the Essence that connects הוי’ה to אלוקיך that He should be כחך וחיותיך because it brings a higher that allows the bringing it to the lowest level.

Vayedaber Hashem 5738 (a Shavuos Ma’amar) Class One.

Vayedaber Hashem 5738 (a Shavuos Ma’amar) Class Two.
The second class on this (relatively short) Ma’amar addresses the advantages that come as a result of the Source of Torah being אנכי
1) It is even in the simplest of things
2) It must come down into words. The idea of העוסק במצוה פטור מצן המצוה is applied to Torah also
3) חידושי תורה are due to אנכי
4) The fact that the חידושי תורה affect a חידוש in the world, similar to the notion of שמים חדשים וארת חדשה לעתיד
5) That the חידושי תורה are נצחיים and they are נקראים על שמו.
It will all be revealed when Moshiach comes.

Vayedaber Hashem 5738 (a Shavuos Ma’amar) Class Two.

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