36. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Six, Perek Three (17), Pisukei DiZimra (8)
Posted: January 13, 2022
36. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Six, Perek Three (17), Pisukei DiZimra (8) We continue the discussion on לזמר עריצים here. [See Tanya Chapter 8 (but especially Chapter) 25 (32a)] There’s A. actual sin; B. there’s permitted pleasure that have passion; C. and then there’s idol words which don’t even have passion. And even these dispassionate words take away life from Avodas Hashem and the passions of Pesukei DiZimra heal this.
36. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Six, Perek Three (17), Pisukei DiZimra (8)