Moshe Kibel Torah MiSinai 5738, Class One. The idea of Torah being a gift from Hashem to us, so why does it say Moshe Kibel rather than Hakadosh Baruch Hu Nasan? Answer: because only Moshe could get the Torah. He is Chochma and can get and hold the Ohr and Sechel of Torah in its entirety. This is explained using the Mashal of Hishtatchus, and getting Ohr, and from it, Hasagos. Then he gives it over and the Mesora (with the Light of Torah) lasts until the end of the Mishna. This second idea (of transmitting the Torah to the next generations) is connected to the 7 Middos in Chochma and how that comes down into the actual 7 Middos.
Moshe Kibel Torah MiSinai 5738, Class One.
Moshe Kibel Torah MiSinai 5738, Class Two. Why the seder of mesorah is not in the beginning of Shas? 1) to teach that even matters of Middos are from Sinai and not the Chazal’s own thoughts. 2) that the Mesorah requires Birur HaMiddos because it has to do with the 7 Middos. 3) once we have the Torah it is all about לצרף הבריות to correct one’s character. How is Avos connected to Mattan Torah? Answer: because Torah is Dira Bitachtonim and nothing is Dira Bitachtonim like כל מעשיך לשם שמים ובכל דרכיך דעיהו and these ideas are in Avos.