36b. Ach BiGoral 5735 MUGGA (3rd of 4 parts of Hemshech), Class Two.
Posted: July 19, 2023
36b. Ach BiGoral 5735 MUGGA (3rd of 4 parts of Hemshech), Class Two. The second (of three) class(es) on this Ma’amar further develops the idea of ירידה צורך עליה (the advantages of serving Hashem from here) by introducing the notion of journeys (מסעות). Normally travel disrupts ones order and limits their ability to succeed, but not here. Here the opposite is true, the travel actually enhances the accomplishments., This is due to the fact that our Journey is holy and they therefore have a permanence which Hashem puts into them (as they are על פי הוי’ יחנו ועל פי הוי’ יסעו). We can experience this even now, on one of two levels: The higher level: by seeing the Geula in each (necessary) moment of Galus, we have Geula even now; The lower level: or at least in our anticipation for Geula, we are ‘like’ we are already there.
36b. Ach BiGoral 5735 MUGGA (3rd of 4 parts of Hemshech), Class Two.