
38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class One.

38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class One.
This first class on this conglomeration of three Ma’amarim into one, is the longest and includes the first six (of 20) pages of this Ma’amar. It actually is a short version of what the Rebbe will then explain over the next several classes (IYH).
He begins with the Targum explaining that this Possuk is (not about miracles, but) about Tests and Mesiras Nefesh.
Two proofs are brought that this is connected to every Jew: A. that Avraham is out father; B. from Moshe we gave Yirah. The Rebbe then must address the question of Ahava (Avraham) vs. Yirah (Moshe) and he does so, by introducing us to Avraham’s Mesiras Nefesh.
Though everything in Yiddishkeit may have a Mesiras Nefesh element, Tests are about pure Mesiras Nefesh.
Avraham learned about Hashem from the world [normally we explain that philosophically: there is no other way to know Him without the world (‘the evidence’ of His existence); but here the Rebbe says something else entirely:] because the world challenges him and forces him to dig deep, until the level; of Mesiras Nefesh, so the world informs him of God on the Mesiras Nefesh level!!!
[Parenthetically, the Rebbe quotes the Midrash about Avraham discovering Hashem using the expression, הציץ עליו בעל הבירה; the Rebbe links this expression to the addition of the level of Yachid to the Yechida].
A test has no Metzius other than to test the person; and the Birur (correction) is only in the person and not in the world.
This is why it requires Mesiras Nefesh because the test is so very dark.
He uses Avraham Avinu and the Previous Rebbe as examples of Mesiras Nefesh and how the unwavering attitude (that it cannot be any other way) breaks ad transforms the Nisayon (in the person).

38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class One.

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