
38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class Three.

38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class Three.
Tests are higher than Birurim in two ways: A. the spark of Godliness in the test comes from so high a place that it falls so low as to be without any Metzius; B. the work of the person to overcome this test comes from a deeper place on one’s Neshama.
The test of the Akaida, a test above other tests which really shows the Mesiras Nefesh power of Avraham Avinu.
The Rebbe explains that there are different levels of test and that later in Galus the tests are harder, as they don’t (appear to) come from Hashem but (in stead they appear to) come from enemies.
Moreover, there was the test of poverty in Russia where the Previous Rebbe was Moser Nefesh, and there is our test today, where we have (almost) no difficulties materially, but can suffer from the great test of wealth: how to remain an uncompromised Yid in spite of the great wealth.
The Rebbe finishes this part of the Ma’amar by explaining the role pf children in this; as they are הבל שאין בהם חטא and as the Previous Rebbe discussed in his מאמר וקבל היהודים תרפ”ז (before he was -even- arrested) the Possuk מפי עוללים ויונקים יסדת עוז וגו’ להשבית אויב ומתנקם. [He seems to be saying that now also in the time of test of wealth it is the children who carry us through].

38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class Three.

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