
38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class Two.

38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class Two.
This (second) class discussed Birurim (as opposed to Nisyonos (tests)); where the correction that is affected by the Birur is not only in the person doing the Birur [A. his Godly Soul has an Aliya, B. his Animal Soul is corrected], but it corrects the world (the חפצא, the item itself).
This is true in…
1) Mitzvas Asei (positive Mitzvos) by bringing it close, internalizing it etc.
2) Mitzvas Lo Ta’aseh through pushing it away; prohibited things are prohibited, and in not partaking we automatically elevate it, though it’s an indirect elevation and reveals an Ohr Makif.
3) Mitzvas Lo Ta’aseh that we transgressed (even on purpose) which we elevate through Teshuva (MeAhava Rabba); this too is included in Birur, because we are raising it up.
The Rebbe finishes this discussion by arguing that this establishes that even real Klipa has SOME Metzius (redemptive, useful purposeful) in and of themselves (that can be and are elevated) as opposed to Nisyonos which are only in the Gavra (the person) and not in the Cheftza (the item with which the sin is committed).

38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class Two.

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