38. Ach BiGoral 5737.
A short Ma’amar that has many longer versions of itself in other places (including the edited one from 5735).
it starts with a short little Maamar (מאמרים הקצרים) of the Alter Rebbe about hidden evil (in good people) and good (in Reshaim) and Reb Yochanan Ben Zakai’s famous words: I don’t know where I am headed.
The Maamar argues that the acquisition of Eretz Yisroel needed to be on two [three] levels: 1) [reason and logic 2)] Ruach Hakodesh, 3) Goral.
ACH means that of the two [three] Goral is the most important aspect.
He explains two levels of Goral itself 1) Emuna 2) Mesiras Nefesh.