Yehi Hashem Elokainu 5738, Class One. There are two levels: 1) The idea that Yidden are naturally one with Him כי חלק הוי’ עמו and even this involves “work” to reveal. That work is חלקי הוי’ אמרה נפשי and the Midrash אנא נסיב מלכא as well as any act of Yiddishkeit being מסירת נפש 2) The idea of working (on our own) to serve our Maker in this (the lowest etc.) world and asking for help to see His revealed hand as in the Possuk יהי השם אלוקינו עמנו as will be explained in the second class IYH.
Yehi Hashem Elokainu 5738, Class One.
Yehi Hashem Elokainu 5738, Class Two. This prayer is for the revelation of Hashem to us, Specifically as it relates to Actual Avoda. There is this involvement on the level of מוחין, this is אבותינו. Then there is the level of מדות, this is הוי’ אלוקינו עמנו. Then there is the two possible aspects of distance ( in darker times): 3) We shouldn’t become over confident אל יעזבנו 4) We shouldn’t despair אל יטשנו יהי הוי’ אלוקינו עמנו וגו is both a prayer and a promise.