38b. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 01 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga, Class Two.
Posted: July 25, 2023
38b. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 01 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga, Class Two. This class goes through until the end of the Ma’amar. Perek 6: why are Tziyon and Shaveha redeemed by Torah and Tzedaka respectively? Because Torah and Tziyon are the same (removed, transcendent, involved but unaffected by what it touches in the world). Perek 7: Tziyon and Shaveha in the human Nefesh (experience): A. Yisaschar and Zebulun; Tzadik and Ba’al Teshuva. Perek 8 (01): Tziyon and Shaveha in the world/ space (עולם) 1) Atzilus and BiY”A, 2) Eretz Yisroel and Chutz La’Aretz. Perek 8 (02): Tziyon and Shaveha in time (זמן) 1) summer and winter; 2) meritorious times and unmeritorious times [corrected through very hard -Teshuva-like- work]. Perek 9: Where is Tefilla (the third of the three poles of תורה גמ”ח עבודה)? Answer: each of the Two redemptions (משפט וצדקה) entail all three (תורה עבודה גמ”ח); 2) alternatively Torah and Tzedaka redeem for the (two) exile(s) and Tefilla then lifts into the ‘right’ place. This explains very precisely the order of the Possuk פדה בשלום (= Torah and Gemilas Chasadim) … כי ברבים היו עמדי (=Tefilla) because Tefilla comes after the redemption. Perek 10- 11: conclusion and end of Ma’amar. This includes and insight into the Gemara on the Possuk פדה בשלום נפשי that as we approach Moshiach’s actual coming, it’s longer כאילו פדאני לי ולבני but פדאני לי ולבני מבין אומות העולם (with no כ’ הדמיון).
38b. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 01 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga, Class Two.