
39. Zos Chukas HaTorah (Chukas Ma’amar) 5738

Zos Chukas HaTorah (Chukas Ma’amar) 5738, Class One.
זאת חוקת התורה reflects no change (and not even a thought of change).
The three levels of חקיקה (engraved, the Luchos) כתיבה (written, Torah SheBiKsav) and אמירה (Torah SheBa’alPeh).
These three exist in Torah, the worlds: 1) עולמות אין סוף and 2) אצילות and 3) בי”ע until עשי’ה.
The three ideas in the Avoda of a person: אותיות on three levels: 1) In עצם these are infinite, and dynamic, 2) In thought (and speech (?)), 3) (Speech (?) and) to the outside; the ability to change is only on the level of Etzem.
The three words זאת חוקת התורה hunt at these three levels: זאת- Torah SheBalPeh’ חוקת- Carved letters, התורה- Torah SheBiKsav

Zos Chukas HaTorah (Chukas Ma’amar) 5738, Class One.

Zos Chukas HaTorah (Chukas Ma’amar) 5738, Class Two.
The work:
1) Uplift (and guard) תורה שבעל פה to the level of תורה שבכתב and the two of them to the level of אותיות החקיקה.
This is achieved through the work that is connected to פרה אדומה: Human effort joins with a divine מים חיים.
2) To raise אותיות החקיקה (though they are already, by themselves, in the עצם) to higher than אותיות החקיקה.
He discusses עצם and אותיות הכלולות בעצם and explains that the Aliya would be that the אותיות שבעצם become one with the עצם הנפש.
This is achieved through אם בחוקותי תלכו not questioning, doubting and thinking about any and all of Torah.
We talked (in part_ about the need to assure that the Torah should be סם חיים and not סם המות G-d forbid.

Zos Chukas HaTorah (Chukas Ma’amar) 5738, Class Two.

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