41. Aileh Masei 5736 (1st Ma’amar of two Hemshech)
Posted: July 5, 2022
41. Aileh Masei 5736 (1st Ma’amar of two Hemshech) This is the first of two Ma’amarim Aileh Masei (that are clearly a Hemshech). Both emphasize the ideas that from the moment we leave Mitzrayim until Moshiach comes we are leaving limitation (Mitzrayim); he explains that these 42 journeys exist in 1) the 40 years in the desert, 2) in the continuum of our history, 3) in each person’s life 4) and in each person’s (individual) day. Both also deal with the Koach we get from Moshe (ויכתוב משה את מוצאיהם למסעיהם) to do this; and the benefit we gain (ואלה מסעיהם למוצאיהם) from Aharon as a result. The difference is that this (1st) one deals with the Aliya of Yidden, and the next one will deal with the Aliya of the entire world.