
41. Ani Ledodi 5735 (1st Ma’amar)

41. Ani Ledodi 5735 (1st Ma’amar)
This Ma’amar (which was said Shabbos Mivorchim Elul 5735) focuses on the הרועה בשושנים.
The Rebbe explains the reference to the roses by developing a discussion on the mystical meaning of Jewelry, that is secondary yet enhances and adds to the person (even his soul) in some ways more than what he must have.
This is used ion two contexts:
1) The first half of the Ma’amar speaks to one who needs to Teshuva (after Menachem Av the Churban etc.); and the radiance of the King empowers the Teshuva (reapproaching the King after the separation) the renewed אני לדודי.
2) The second half of the Ma’amar speaks to one who doesn’t need Teshuva, but must do teshuva on the higher level והרוח תשוב אל האלוקים אשר נתנה always going higher. This too requires help from on high (the שושנים) but here it means Torah.
The Rebbe explains a necklace and how it applies to these ideas. Making holes and stones and stringing them together.

41. Ani Ledodi 5735 (1st Ma’amar)

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