42. Aileh Masei 5736 (2nd Ma’amar of two in a Hemshech)
Posted: July 5, 2022
42. Aileh Masei 5736 (2nd Ma’amar of two in a Hemshech) This Ma’amar is very similar to the one before it, but here the Rebbe adds a new idea, The work we do is Birurim, and this is accomplished by journeying through the 42 stops through the desert (and the world) and elevating sparks. This is done in various ways, through Torah (peaceful Birur) through Tefilla (war-like Birur) and Mitzvos. We draw strength from Moshe Rabeinu etc. The NEW idea is that at the end the entire world ahs the Aliya (not only Neshamos Yisroel) as the ChaZaL predict ‘the entire world will become Eretz Yisroel’; ‘all of Eretz Yisroel will be Yerushalayim’ etc.