43. Aileh HaDevarim 5736 This short little Ma’amar begins with a discussion about the ideas of עבד נאמן and עבד פשוט as they are found un the Samach Vov that the Rebbe seems to be differing from what the Rebbe RaShaB says. He (our Rebbe) places the עבד נאמן above the עבד פשוט in every way. The Ma’amar itself addresses the question of Moshe’s הוכחה (rebuke and showing direction) is repeated twice, first in a riddle and then again explicitly and in detail. The Rebbe explains that these two rebukes are to different groups of people. The first ‘get a hint’ and their inexactitude is most subtle; the second ‘don’t get a hint’ and their sin is actual and requires real overt detailed rebuke. He compares this to the two levels of עבד נאמן (a slave who is as one with Hashem as possible) and עבד פשוט (who is also a slave but only on the action level, and he has spiritual struggle). He further compares these two to the two levels of ציון (the essence of the Neshama that cannot be contaminated -in Galus- that simply goes hidden in Galus) and שבי’ה (which means captives, which means a level iof the Neshama that gets truly entangled in Galus.