44. Hashem He’emarta… He’emircha… 5734 The Alter Rebbe explains האמרת and האמירך in one way: we speak Torah and He speaks (in a renewed way) the utterances creation); and the Tzemach Tzedek (and then the Rebbe MaharaSh) speaks it in three ways: 1) [what the AR explained] He speaks and creates as we speak words of Torah. The ten utterances of creation are parallel to the ten commandments. He explains that this includes the One (Breishis, Anochi, Chochma) and the ten (all ten utterances of creation; the ten commandments, ad the ten S’firos). 2) We affect that He wear a garments of Malchus, which is rooted in Atzmus and with which He creates and shows real interest in the creation. 3) From the word cherished and valued (what RaShI says), this is even higher than Melucha. Each of these three is double, as after we affect the He’emarta, there is the transcendent He’emircha which is even higher.