45b. Atem Nitzovim 5734 (Class Two) This class is almost two hours long (sorry). This class begins by explaining the advantage of 25 Elul: 1) It’s the ‘Yesh MeAyin’ moment, 2) the great light that pervaded all the creation in the beginning is associated with the first day, 3) the Tzimtzumim associated with this day are all for the sake of revealing Godliness lower and lower. The question then becomes which is greater? Rosh Hashanah (as discussed in the first class) or 25 Elul (as discussed here)? He answers the question by explaining and questioning why man (‘Adam’) must be created בצלמינו כדמותינו (to include a more precise representation of Godliness -בצלמינו- and a less precise representation of Godliness -כדמותינו- He explains that by having both man in is in the unique position to join together what the world is and what Godliness is. This same logic explains the necessity for (both) Rosh Hashana and 25 Elul.