46. Ani Lidodi 5736 (1st Ma’amar on this Possuk [and 1st part of Hemshech])
Posted: August 5, 2022
46. Ani Lidodi 5736 (1st Ma’amar on this Possuk [and 1st part of Hemshech]). This little Ma’amar joins what is written in the classic Ma’amar Ani Lidodi with the Ma’amar Visamti Kadkod where additional detail is added to the analogy of the king in the field. The two ideas of אני לדודי ודודי לי and דודי לי ואני לו which are classically connected to Tishrei and Nissan are (further) correlated with the Possuk in the Haftorah of Re’ei ושמתי כדכד שמשותיך 1) כד כד is explained in the Gemara to include both (כדין וכדין) from the top down (שוהם) and from the bottom up (ישפה). 2) שמשותיך includes two suns A. שמש צדקה ומרפא בכנפיך (from the bottom up) and B. כי שמש ומגן השם אלוקים (from the top down). More specifically they are the inspiration before the Avoda of Elul (שמש צדקה ומרפא בכנפיך) and the culmination if the ten days of Teshuva (כי שמש ומגן השם אלוקים). But then the Rebbe shifts around: higher than the revelation of כי שמש ומגן השם אלוקים is the higher concept of שמש צדקה ומרפא בכנפיך where OUR Avoda is beyond the shield of the sun (מגן, אלוקים) that He will remove the sun from the shield (יוציא חמה מנרתקה) and this is also שמש צדקה ומרפא בכנפיך.