Class One. This first class on the Ma’amar of Ki Savo we learned the ‘biur’ Everything in threes 1) Neshama 2) Guf 3) what binds them; 1) Mimalei 2) Sovev, 3) higher than both; 1) Malchiyos, 2) Zichronos, 3) Shofros; 1) Sur Mera, 2) Asei Tov, 3) Bakeish Shalom;
Class Two. The second Shiur on Ki Savo deals with the Posuk, first ‘Hashem… Nosein…’ we receive a gift, that means a Koach for all later Avoda. Then ‘ViYirishta’- we inherit, which refers to the unchanging Avoda of Torah and Mitzvos, and then there’s the gift that is higher than the inheritance, which is Hashem giving us beyond the constant.