
52. Tiku BaChodesh Shofar 5745

Class One. The first of two classes on ‘Tiku’ 5745. The Ma’amar explains the need to renew the M’lucha from Atzmus. This is done by Yidden through ‘crowning Him’. The Rebbe argues that the fact that we crown Him and that we use a human Mashal is proof that every Jew has the equivalent of this Ratzon and for a Bayis (at the core our beings) like Hashem wishes to be a King.

Class Two. The second part of this Ma’amar continues discussing Rosh Hashana’s interruption and renewal but adds a few new ideas. (Much of what was taught and is written here is the understanding of the teacher and subject to debate). 1) since Yidden are the ones making Him King again it must be because they are rooted in Atzmus, 2) The departure of His Kingship is actually the Kingship being raised up a level to be one with Atzmus and when it is renewed it is on a higher level. 3) Accordingly Yidden have a hand not only in the renewal but in the departure itself, because Hashem can only depart because He knows that Yidden will renew His Kingship. 4) Finally Rosh HaShana itself is a day of Simcha, because of Yidden’s contribution (though the Kingship over the world is not visible until Sukkos). This is consistent with the Ba’al Shem Tov’s original interpretation of the words ‘… Liyom Chagainu’.

Class One.
Class Two.

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