
59. זה היום תחילת מעשיך ה’תשמ”א.

Class One. This מאמר has three levels: 1) זה היום תחילת מעשיך this is the idea that when man was created the purpose of the world began. That the purpose is to reveal G-dliness into the world(s). 2) זכרון ליום ראשון is the idea of חפץ חסד which is Hashem’s delight above man’s access altogether. 3) bridging זה היום תחילת מעשיך with חפץ חסד as the Jewish Soul is rooted in עצמות above both levels discussed above. This class talks only of the first two of these three levels, the third level will be discussed in the next class IYH.

Class Two A third level is added in this class. The fact that on Rosh Hashana both levels (1- זה היום, and 2- חפץ חסד which is beyond man’s levels) are because of a third idea which is true on Rosh Hashana: the fact that the source of the Jewish people is in Atzmus, higher than חפץ חסד. And although חפץ חסד (like everything else) has its roots in Atzmus, but having roots there is not the same as the Etzem being brought forward, as opposed to the Etzem motivating the creation without this highest of sources being revealed.

Class Three. A fourth level is added in this class: The three ideas of: 1) זה היום which is man revealing his purpose, and 2) תחילת מעשיך, revealing the G-dly will that is beyond man, and 3) the fact that Yidden are one with Atzmus; corresponds to the three levels of: מלכיות and זכרונות and שופרות. In the person’s נפש these three levels also exist. It is the three levels of 1) כחות פנמיים and 2) כחות מקיפים and 3) עצם הנפש. But there’s the fourth level which is not in the person but in the שופר, and only when it is no longer attached to it’s living source. In Avoda this are the ideas of קבלת עול and ביטול and עשי’ה and it corresponds to the Jewish גוף and physical things beyond the גוף that affect a דירה לו יתברך בתחתונים. The Rebbe finishes by explaining how worthy we are on Rosh Hashana for all Hashem’s blessings.

Class One
Class Two
Class Three

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