Class 68.
Class 13: Introduction to the second maamar in this section – Kol Dodi. MATTAN TORAH is the purpose- ANOCHI Yesh Meayin. The first maamar talked about Creation – this one is about yetzius Mitzrayim and Mattan Torah. 2 Ratzons – Pnimius HaRatzon for Torah and Mitzvas, and CHitzonius HaRatzon to create the world in order to fulfill the first ratzon. Brias Haolam = 10 Maamaros plus Breshis = Chochama Tataah = Shlomo Hamelech. Torah and Mitzvos = 10 commandments plus Anochi = Chochma Ilaah – Moshe Rabbenu. First Maamar celebrated creation and sovev kol almin. In this maamar creation is only an haarah. Ohr (world) (a ray) vs Shefa (mashpia) (whole etzem of Giver). Question: At Mattan Torah Hashem is introducing Himself to us as the One who took us out of mitzrayim, but the nissim there were only yesh m’yesh ie memale kol almin, why not introduce Himself as Creator – this is Yesh m’Ayin – Sovev kol Almin? Answer: because creation is also only a haarah. Makos bechoros, Krias Yamsuf and Yetzius mitzrayim were a revelation of ATZMUS. There is more of the Aibishter in a single halacha than in all of creation.