This Maamar is Muga. This overview of a ma’amar on the last of the Sheva Brachos, “asher bara sason v’simcha”. This class was given following the comments Rabbi Paltiel made about the life of his beloved grandfather, whose levaya was earlier in the day. For this reason, this shiur is shorter and less complete than the others in this series. 20 minutes and 24 seconds. Source: Melukat, Vol. IV, p.79. 2nd version, Beis Midrash Linashim 770 (5779/ 2018).
Class One. There is a parallel between the earthly Chosson and Kallah and the spiritual Chosson and Kallah. The physical חתן וכלה affect the spiritual חתן וכלה.
Second Version Class One.
Class Two. The idea of Chosson and Kallah that originates in עצמות ומהות is about separateness and influencing the world. Thus the term אשר ברא (creation) regarding חתן וכלה even in עצמות ומהות. Like it says יצירה about the divine name א-ל. The source of this idea of חתן וכלה or משפיע ומקבל is in עצמות ממש.