This Maamar is Muga. This is an overview of the ma’amar “Amar Reb. Oishia” which fundamentally is about the interdependence of Jews. Source: Melukat 4, p.89, 5739 2nd Version, Beis Midrash Linashim 770 (5779/ 2018).
Class One. Pzaros (being spread out) brings to Prazos (to living without fear- spread out) and the Possuk describes the end, what will be when Moshiach comes (Prazos). פרזות תשב ירושלים the Ma’amar talks about ירושלים- the idea of יראה שלם. The ultimate יראה שלם is something that never changes and never can change, this is Bittul.
First Version
Class Two. The idea that what Yidden do in one place affects Yidden in another place: those who have it easier 1) do the Mitzvos for those who have it harder and 2) they inspire those who have a harder time to succeed. Three examples: 1) Yidden in places of Mesiras Nefesh are assisted by those living in places where there is no Mesiras Nefesh. 2) Yidden who have a hard spiritual test are benefited by those who don’t have the same test. 3) Yidden in (one time are benefited by Yidden at another time!) Galus are benefited by Yidden in the time of the Beis HaMikdash.
Second Version Class One.Second Version Class Two.