Version One (Yeshiva, 5768/ 2007): An overview of a ma’amar on the pasuk “V’Avraham Zaken” from Parshas Chayei Sara. Source: “V’Avraham Zaken”, Sefer HaMaamarim Melukat, Vol. IV, pp. 53
Version Two (Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos 770)Class One: High, Higher, and even Higher Maamar V’Avraham Zaken – Edited Maamar (edited in 1990 in conjunction with Chof Marcheshvan which is the birthday of the Rebbe Rashab). This maamar discusses inyanim (all aspects of Creation) as they exist in their root – in the “realm” of Keser. Keser in general means hidden, the world before it is a world. Rabbi Paltiel explains the four levels of this hidden world of Keser in Class one. three of which the Rebbe explores: 1) Mochin Stimain- ViAvrohom Zakain, Torah. 2) Keser ShebiKeser, Galgalta- Ba BaYamim, Mitzvos. These two levels Avrohom reached on his own. 3) Atik- BaKol, Helem HaAtzmi, this needed to be given to Him as a gift but only after he achieved Shlaimus: קוב”ה לא שריא אלא באתר שלים. Class 1 Length (58:07)
Version Two (Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos 770)Class One:
Version Two (Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos 770)Class Two: In Class two these concepts are applied to the process of bringing Godliness into the physical realm (making a dira b’tachtonim). All this loftiness doesn’t compare to having a physical son and him building a family. Class 2 Length (26:46)
Version Two (Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos 770)Class Two: