Minui Melech, Class 7 Dovid is different than all other kings. His Romemus (=being a Neshama Klolis) is not only in the aspect of Melucha (Romemus) but in every faculty: his mind, heart etc. This makes Dovid altogether above other Kings.
Class 8: This class was almost entirely lecture (very little text). The issue was the idea that Dovid is called a בר-נפלא, (he was destined to pass away at birth) and only other people could give him years. The question is why. The way the explanation goes is based (heavily) on later Ma’amarim (and is not (so) explicit here). Here again the extremes exist: The idea of Malchus is Yeshus. Yeshus is the Yesh of Atzmus Itself (and not only that it comes from Atzmus). 1) On the one hand this means complete independence from Him (which is of course negative). 2) In the other hand a Tzadik, like Dovid, was not only connected to the divine Yeshus, but he is (nothing more than) an expression of it. For both these reasons he has no life. Moreover even when he gets life from the others, this מציאות form ( which is life) is never his essence (Yeshus) which always remains a non-existence, but what they are.
Class 9: Dovid got 70 years from Adam which is the level of Chochma Ila’a, which is removed from Chochma associated with world. It happened by Kesser entering into Adam, so that (by going higher) he was able to come lower. Dovid therefore got 70 more years from Avrohom (5), Ya’akov (28), and Yosef (37) that are closer to the world.
Class 10: This (oral lecture) explores the question of why Adam and the Avos lose the years they give to Dovid. It was explained based on the Tanya Chitas (בהשגחה פרטית) of today (ד’ כסליו) that Gashmius holds Atzmus better than Ruchniyus, because it is Maavir MiMhus LiMhus. The explanation involved explaining 1) Sechel 2) Mashal 3) Remez 4) Chida and the idea of Tipa.
Class Eleven: Continuation from Class Ten, losing years because of leap MiMhus LiMhus.
Class Twelve: Gevura (fire, dissection) and Chessed (water, dilution and adhesion). Example from judgement, judging the entire person vs one aspect. Dovid as a King is Gevura and he therefore doesn’t get years from Yitzchok.
Class Thirteen: Yitzchok and Dovid are Hard judgement, (Yitzchok), and soft judgement, (Dovid). In this Ma’amar soft judgement is harder than hard judgement because it is a different world (BiY”A) that cannot handle the judgement. Avrohom gives Dovid 5 years, kindness, so he can live.
Class Fourteen: Ya’akov gave Dovid 28 years, this is the idea of Tiferes. Because the 28 are the מילוי ומילוי דמילוי of שם הוי’ה. The Milui has a higher source than the name itself, thus the כח אדנ”י is higher than אדנ”י itself. The Mashal of Moshe bentching Hashem to add crowns to the Torah’s letters.
Class Fifteen: Yosef gave Dovid 37 years, they represent two ideas: the intellect (connected with the world) (30) and the emotions (7). The 37 years of Dovid are (in a real way) the most important for the actual governing the people, even more than the years of Avrohom and Ya’akov. All aspects of his person were in a state of Romemus.
Class Sixteen: Dovid’s Malchus was his essence, no one could have been the kind of king he was. The Mashal of Yosef and Yehuda, the latter is Bittul.
Class Seventeen: This continues the previous class. Dovid has the Kesser (crown) of Malchus, this makes it truly his, no one else could really have had it. Yet Shaul had to come first, like Yosef then Yehuda, first Talmud and then Maaseh, first Giluyim and then Atzmus. Shaul was higher but it (realistically) wouldn’t that he be the king (forever).
Perek 2, Class 7Perek 2, Class 8Perek 2, Class 9Perek 2, Class 10Perek 2, Class 11Perek 2, Class 12Perek 2, Class 13Perek 2, Class 14Perek 2, Class 15Perek 2, Class 16Perek 2, Class 17