
02. Hodu (Machon Chana) Classes 06-13, (Beginning; Inside) Pesukim 1-15

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Six. This class starts with a review of the choices about הודו. The version we follow that it is before ברוך שאמר, makes it about the ארון (=Torah) and קרבנות (=Prayer), higher but perhaps less understood. Then we learned the first Possuk: הודו להוי’ה. It is Hoda’a but at least it’s to the שם קראו בשמו calling forward the אין סוף הודיעו בעמים עלילותיו to others. The name won’t work you must focus on His actions (with us).

Class Six הודו

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Seven. This class explores the next three Pesukim שירו לו זמרו לו שיחו בכל נפלאותיו The first half is about HIM (לו…לו…), and has two parts, singing, and playing an instrument, which are in themselves two different ideas. התהלו בשם קדשו ישמח לב מבקשי הוי’ה Again the first half is higher (Torah) than the second half (Tefilla). The Tefilla is called asking Him to bring those who seek Him joy. דרשו הוי’ ועוזו בקשו פניו תמיד Here again the first half is Him (הוי’ה) and His Torah (ועוזו) and the second half is Tefilla but on the deeper level of Tefilla (פניו and תמיד).

Class Seven הודו

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Eight. This class explores Pesukim 5-7. The beginning of what Hashem does for Yidden, זכרו נפלאותיו אשר עשה מופתיו ומשפטי פיהו. Three different types of miracles, the greatest of which is the miracle of the (world following the) Torah משפטי פיהו. It reaches great Jews who are his servants ישראל עבדו, and simple ones who are also his chosen ones בני יעקב בחיריו. It is rooted in Him who has no appointment הוא השם אלוקינו בכל הארץ משפטיו

Class Eight הודו

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Nine.
This class is mostly about Possuk 8.
זכרו לעולם בריתו דבר ציוה לאלף דר
The Covenant in includes the Bris Mila (the promise of seed [eternal people,] and the land [of Israel eternally ours,]) and Torah.
He gives it unilaterally because there is no other way.
See next class.

Class Nine הודו

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Ten.
This class is (mostly) on Pesukim 9-11.
The covenant comes through Avrohom, Yitzchok, and Ya’akov.
Each deepens the covenant some more.
1) אשר כרת and 2) שבועה and 3) חוק and ברית עולם.
He promises us the land of Kena’an, this means, a world whose sparks are not yet elevated, and when we do so they are OUR inheritence.

Class Ten הודו

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Eleven.
This entire class is lecture we read no text.
These four Pesukim are about The Yidden (and their covenant) in Galus.
The issue: eternity vs living for the moment.
They reveal how Yidden go from place to place and elevate sparks and then move on.
The miracle (fundamentally) is of Jewish survival.
When the sparks are elevated Moshiach comes.
The protection is in the Possuk אל תגעו במשיחי ובנביאי אל תרעו.
The two ideas of משיחי and נביאי is the difference between Moshe and Moshiach.
We’ll read inside next time.
Two processes:
1) elevating sparks (bringing mystical order to the world) and this is a Jewish (Galus) process.
2) Bringing G-d to the world, (I think) this is a universal (Moshiach) process.

Class Eleven הודו

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Twelve.
This class has three parts:
1) Another review of the idea of the tactic and philosophy of Jewish survival.
2) An explanation of Possuk 12 בהיותכם מתי מספר כמעט וגרים בה The upside of being few, and surviving.
3) A long discussion (with two questions) regarding the philosophy of Chabad (the Rebbe) and A. living in Israel, B. opening Chabad centers where are virtually no Jews, for non-Jews.

Class Twelve הודו

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Thirteen.
ויתהלכו מגוי אל גוי וממלכה אל עם אחר לא הניח לאיש לעשקם four ideas:
1) גוי a nation of real prominence, and strength (example: Greece)
2) ממלכה isn’t the people by themselves it is their “king” leadership.
3) עם אחר no self identity, a pathetically disparate group.
4) איש one very powerful man (like עשיו)
Hashem keeps us and preserves us not withstanding the hardships,
He warns the world: אל תגעו במשיחי ובנביאי אל תרעו.
Two ideas A. Children (אל תגעו במשיחי- אלו תינוקות של בית רבן) B. The holiest among us, our prophets (ובנביאי אל תרעו).

Class Thirteen הודו

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