
Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 2

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 2

Perek 2, Class Eight: To correct the sin, in terms of making up for loss and stopping the flow to Klipa, requires Teshuva which comes from Kesser. Mitzvos are Atzilus. Teshuva is from higher than Atzilus, ANOCHI.

Perek 2, Class Nine: Understanding the soul: Giluyim, Kochos, Levushim. The infinite Neshama speaks through the finite mind and heart so it is limited. Occasionally the infinity itself speaks. This is the Joy of a wedding, Mesiras Nefesh and Teshuva. This is the issue we are discussing: Teshuva is from infinity of the Neshama.

Perek 2, Class Ten: Oneg and Ratzon. The revelations of the soul (Giluyei Hanefesh) are two: Will and Delight. Atik and Arich are understood from the two analogies of Will-Power and Delight (Pleasure), we explore the connection between each of them. Also the deepest levels of Oneg and Ratzon are altogether contradictory (either one is revealed or the other is revealed and never both together) but on lower levels they are less contradictory.

Perek 2, Class Eleven: Two Onegs and two Ratzons: There is the “Ha’arah” of Oneg (Delight) and Ratzon (Will) that come down and are further contained in the ten Sfiros. This is the source of Torah and Mitzvos. But the higher Oneg and Ratzon remain in the infinite state and are the source of Teshuva.

Perek 2, Class Twelve: Correction of the leaking of Kedusha to Klipa. Correction of what Kedusha lost from Arich. The question of reconciling the light lost being brought through Arich and the idea of האור נעדר in other sources.

Perek 2, Class Thirteen: Teshuva is תשוב ה”י Lower and higher Teshuva is the revealed and the hidden These two are the higher Teshuva done with emotion alone. The letters ה”י allude (clearly) to the higher Teshuva.

Perek 2, Class Fourteen: The idea of אנכי higher than a name and the source of Teshuva. To Yidden (only) this is easy.

Perek 2 Class 8
Perek 2 Class 9
Perek 2 Class 10
Perek 2 Class 11
Perek 2 Class 12
Perek 2 Class 13
Perek 2 Class 14

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