Perek 2, Nevua (1) This class addresses the question of Hashem living in a house, arguing what the philosophers (יש מפרשים) say: that the presence of Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash is like Korbanos.
Class one on Prophecy: Nevua is about people (not Hashem.) That man can reach a level where he is worthy שתשרה עליו שכינה, that G-dliness rest on him. The process was explained by speaking of three levels: 1) Physical science where the knowledge and the person are by design separate 2) Metaphysical philosophy where the ideas and the person are much more closely linked, so the need for פרישות (personal integrity) is so critical. 3) Prophecy, which is Hashem giving to a person’s mind beyond himself, requires virtual perfection in מדות and דעות and more.