Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 7 Class 7.Discussion on מציאות שאינה מציאות אמיתית Class Four. The lower reality (יחודא תתאה, מציאות שאינה אמיתית) in light of the higher reality. We begin the discussion of the Two Sichos: A) Toras Menachem יין מלכות חלק א’ ע’ קל”ט B) Likutei Sichos vol. 5 page 65-66. Explanation: difference between קדושה and קליפה. In קדושה you can access the G-d within oneself, while in קליפה one cannot access his own G-d within. There are so many levels in this, the highest, is above every form (including the form of the mind etc.) and this is (true) free will.